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It's Never Been Easier to Facilitate the Autonomization of Quality Control and Tracking Processes

We create Artificial Intelligence solutions that can predict accurately by utilizing Artificial Intelligence technologies that are specifically designed for business cases.

We use Dataguess for data collection, data flow management and AI-based production anomaly detection in our digital transformation projects. The extensive connector library, drag-and-drop project development and web-based platform are the reasons why we prefer Dataguess.

Mehmet Bakmaz

Tissue Converting

Production Manager

With Dataguess, we collect real-time data from our machines and perform our data analysis. We will use the collected data to train machine learning models that can provide predictive quality. Dataguess' flexible structure and easy integration with other systems saved time in our data analysis projects.

Özkan Yılmaz


We use Dataguess in almost all of our digital transformation projects. 
We use Dataguess in our digital transformation projects that need to be integrated with multiple systems. Its flexibility, easy project creation and data reading performance meet our expectations.

Serdar Cebeci

Project Manage

Yapay Zeka ile Kalite kontrol Çözümlerimizi kullandığımız referansımız Toyoyetsu firmasının Görseli
Üretimde Yapay Zeka Çözümlerimizi kullandığımız referansımız Hayat Kimya firmasının Görseli
Yapay Zeka ile Kalite kontrol Çözümlerimizi kullandığımız referansımız Nitto firmasının Görseli
Üretimde Computer Vision Çözümlerimizi kullandığımız referansımız Good Year firmasının Görseli
Endüstriyel Yapay Zeka Çözümlerimizi kullandığımız referansımız Henkel firmasının Görseli
Fabrikada Yapay Zeka Çözümlerimizi kullandığımız referansımız Ferrora firmasının Görseli
Endüstriyel Bilgisayarlı Görü Çözümlerimizi kullandığımız referansımız Cargill firmasının Görseli
Üretimde Yapay Zeka Çözümlerimizi kullandığımız referansımız Mazsan firmasının Görseli
Fabrikada Yapay Zeka Çözümlerimizi kullandığımız referansımız Entes firmasının Görseli

Our pre-configured hardware and software packages are the answer to all your business problems, including tracking, control, classification, and counting.

Computer Vision çözümlerinde Dataguess ürünü inspector(ai ile kalite kontrol) imgeleyen görsel

Object Oriented AI


Quality Control in Production

Endüstriyel Yapay Zeka ile Ürün Sayma ve Sınflandırma Görseli

Object Oriented AI

Dataguess Counter

Product Counting and Classification

Endüstriyel Yapay Zeka ile İş Sağlığı Güvenliği Çöüzmleri Görseli

Human Oriented AI



PPE and Safety

Endüstriyel Yapay Zeka ile İnsan Sayma ve Yoğunluk Haritalama Görseli

Human Oriented AI

Dataguess Observer

Density Mapping and Population Counting

Endüstritel Yapay Zeka ile Marker le Ürün Arabası ve Forklift Takibi Görseli

Marker-Oriented AI



Product Trolley and Forklift Tracking with Marker


Experience the power of AI platforms through

Dataguess No-Code and Low-Code development solutions

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No-Code & Low-Code

Dataguess Project Studio

Üretimde Yapay Zeka modülü geliştirme görseli

Drag-and-drop components allow you to easily construct your projects without having to write code. Create your own data flows and collect data from the most sophisticated systems. Use AI engines to test your built AI models.

Create Data Flows

Reach out to all communication devices to receive, send, or store data.

Easy Integration

Provide easy and seamless integration of your IT systems. Dataguess Project Studio is compatible with all IT systems.

Drag and Drop

Project Studio is a data flow management platform that you can easily use with drag and drop mechanics.

Script Editor

Develop Low-Code projects with Dataguess Project Studio's Script Editor. Define customized rules.

Collect data from anywhere

Collect data from all devices that can generate data.

Edge AI and Computer Vision

Create Edge AI and computer vision projects with ease and deploy them to any edge computer of your choice.


Dataguess CV Studio

Dataguess AI kamera teknolojisi ile otomatik kalite kontrolü Görseli

CV Studio is a versatile Computer Vision platform that enables organizations to use AI for control and tracking. You may easily run AI models based on your needs.

Creating a CV Model

Create an Artificial Intelligence model in seconds using Computer Vision algorithms.

CV Model Training

With a single click, train the model you've created using the dataset.

Autonomous Preprocessing

CV Studio automatically performs data preprocessing and optimization.

Test and Deployment

Test your AI model with uploaded video or camera footage, then easily publish it to your Edge device.

Computer Vision

Machine Learning

Deep Learning

Dataflow Management and Edge AI

Our Areas of Expertise

Since 2016, our team of experts in Data Collection and Artificial Intelligence technologies has been conducting R&D and building projects.

Üretim bandında Yapay zeka ile Kalite kontrol Görseli

No-Code Artificial Intelligence

& Computer Vision Solutions

Easily perform your Quality Control, Tracking, Counting, and Classification Operations in Manufacturing without Writing Code with Dataguess Artificial Intelligence Solutions.

Stay Informed about developments and innovations.

Thank You

No-Code Artificial Intelligence

& Computer Vision Solutions

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